Infiniti customer care program

Infiniti customer care program  - 2012 Infiniti G Owner’s Manual - Infiniti G Owners Manual - Infiniti G


Both INFINITI and your INFINITI retailer are dedicated to serving all your automotive needs. Your satisfaction with your vehicle and your INFINITI retailer are our primary concerns. Your INFINITI retailer is always available to assist you with all your automobile sales and service needs.

However, if there is something that your INFINITI retailer cannot assist you with or you would like to provide INFINITI directly with comments or questions, please contact our (INFINITI’s) Consumer Affairs Department using our toll-free number:

For U.S. customers
For Canadian customers

The Consumer Affairs Department will ask for the following information:
• Your name, address, and telephone number
• Vehicle identification number (on dash panel)
• Date of purchase
• Current odometer reading
• Your INFINITI retailer’s name
• Your comments or questions

You can write to INFINITI with the information on the left at:
For U.S. customers
Nissan North America, Inc.
Consumer Affairs Department P.O. Box 685003
Franklin, TN 37068-5003
or via e-mail at:
For Canadian customers
Nissan Canada Inc.
5290 Orbitor Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4Z5
or via e-mail at:

If you perfer, visit us at: (for U.S. customers)
or (for Canadian customers)
We appreciate your interest in INFINITI and thank you for buying a quality INFINITI vehicle.

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